Misrepresentation is Her Craft

My understanding of legal proceedings, though it is limited, is that the judge is supposed to be an impartial, neutral party.  I never got the impression that it was a team sport.  There is the prosecution representing the plaintiff, in this case the plaintiff is the State of
Florida.  Then ideally, there is the defendant, in this case, myself and supposedly effective counsel, which in fact has continuously been grossly misrepresented.  There has been a repeating cycle of counsel assigned, however the documentation is reflecting tremendous discrepancies regarding dates and plea agreements and everything really, the efforts of individuals within the legal community to manipulate and sabotage this process have been extraordinary.
When decency still existed, appreciation for
demonstrated character.  Concrete events, factual
statements, legitimate credibility.

Artwork of my daughter, at
age 7, contributed in partnership
for the capitol gain of Pensacola
Habitat for Humanity.

Every person involved in the legal proceedings except myself is either family, or grew up and went to school together.  Upon witnessing behavior inside the courtroom, n one of these people maintains objectivity, not a scrap of impartiality, and what is being practiced does not resemble any laws, codes, statutes I have been able to find in the course of my research.  In reality what is taking place is blatant abuse of trusted positions for the purpose of whatever the cause may be.  How very sad for justice.  I refuse to accept unacceptable behavior, especially demonstrated by people who hold trusted positions that are expected to be professional and respectable... held to a higher standard.  I have been witness to no standards to speak of.
I have made numerous attempts to file formal complaints with any and all agencies that hold jurisdiction, Judicial Qualifications, Commission on Standards & Training, Office of the Governor Inspector General, Department of Corrections Inspector General, Attorney General Pam Bondi.  What I have absolute evidence of is irrefutably racketeering activity, evidently supported and encouraged by the indifference I have discovered.  So all of these people collect their salaries, paid by the tax payers like myself, and SAY the right things in their speeches, and carry on with no regard to the tax payers safety and rights.  I am not an individual that has ever been dependant on the government, not for benefits and not for security, I handle my own just fine.  I take responsibility for my actions, therefore I act responsibly.  This invasion into my life and the extortion of my home and the annihilation of my credibility, character, and reputation was initiated by a routine traffic citation (A477COE) at which time 5 officers proceeded to violate every right of individuals.  My identity was hijacked and false information was inserted to create a fabricated character that did not exist prior to May 12, 2015.  This fabrication created the appearance of a drug addicted criminal, however there is no evidence to support this created character.  There is no prior record of criminal nature, in fact there is no prior record of any nature, criminal, domestic, child abuse, or questionable mental health.  In 22 years in residence in this same town.  All previous encounters with law enforcement were amicable, reflecting common respect between myself and deputies.  
Navarre Park Christmas, 2008 or'09.
My children's entire lives have been lived
right here in this town.

I, Stacey Sade, under penalty of perjury declare the following facts to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge.  On June 23, 2015 I was taken into custody during a traffic stop for passenger failure to wear seat belt, initiated by Lt. Scott Haines, arresting officer summoned for transport was Deputy Patric Gibson (previous encounter; offense #13010762 December 25, 2013).  I would like, at this time, to thank Deputy Gibson.  His demeanor and attitude towards me was ever so much kinder during our successive encounter.  Lt. Mark James, whom I've been acquainted with for 10 years or so, can verify that after my initial encounter with Officer Gibson I contacted Lt' James and requested for him to intercede and retrieve the property of an individual, understandably and respectfully Lt. James recognized that he could not impose without consent, Deputy Gibson did not concede, he returned to my home to retrieve the property.  At that time he seemed very disapproving of me.  So, I am grateful that he showed kindness by not forcing me to wear handcuffs June 23, 2015 when I was taken into custody.  Could be the leg wound generated sympathy?  

Hospitalized May 28, 2015,  acute trauma
surgery, Dr. Andy Jaffal, MD, FACP
Internal Medicine/Hospitalist

The charges for which I was taken into custody are described in cases 15-763/764.  They are completely fabricated, have no validation whether by factual statements. legitimate documents, or physical evidence.  All "evidence" I have received from State Attorney's Office has, in fact, been verification of my every statement of fact.  Lab results,  "search warrant", and "affidavit for search warrant" were withheld for 6 months, despite numerous truthful correspondences from myself to Kenneth Brooks as well as Assistant States Attorney Amber Rowland.  Specifically referring to the "search warrant".  I suggested Kenneth Brooks should immediately withdraw himself from practice and go back to school if he was unaware that discovery should include such things, or if he failed to notice they were not included.  And lab results, which are hearsay to start with absent testimony of technician, right?  And they produce "evidence" reflecting submission to the lab 2 months after "collection", most of which was not a controlled substance by Florida Statute, according to THEIR OWN LAB!
This is the lab report I received December 16, 2015,
from Kenneth Brooks 3 hours before bond
hearing in front on Judge Miller.  Take the
plea or stay in jail and face reinfection of
that wound I had, at this time, been twice hospitalized for
treatment of bacterial infection.

All fields complete, pre-employment.
Most recently, I was taken into custody for violation of probation on June 15, 2016.  Numerous allegations including more possession charges for a false positive urinalysis, documented on a form for employment screening, leaving several required fields incomplete, for example field for Specimen collection facility was blacked out, due to facility being DOC office that was listed as employer in pursuit of results?  Perhaps that creates a conflict of interest?  Failure to record temperature and specimen sitting in a freezer for two months also has a little effect on the legitimacy.  For comparison, I happen to have a legitimate lab report from Wal-Mart when I achieved employment with them for 4 years beginning in Dec. 2006.

On July 5, no contact had been made by council despite Judge John Simon's assurance that he would attempt to find conflict free council. I've yet to witness any such thing, effective has made no appearance.I sent a truthful communication to public defender on facility kiosk.  To my amusement, Miss Julie Edwards arrived for a 6.5 minute consultation for the purpose of misrepresenting/forcing herself to me in order to abuse the position.
The only accurate bit of information is my name,
the number is part of their fabricated character, which I was not even aware
of until December 17, 2015 when I initially reported
to DOC probation.  DOC # assigned because of felony charges... Wow, this number was assigned to
me on the form falsely claiming written nolo plea had been taken on June 24, 2015.  Further verification
of truthfulness of my declarations

Their DOC # recorded on this form dated 6-24-15...
 Despite extensive description of the criminal extent abuse of her position by Julie Edwards, she imposed herself and as officer of the court and posing as my defense, arranged predetermined psychological evaluation.  Performed by her selection Dr. Stephen F.X. Zieman, Jr. PhD, at request of defense.  The greatest example of the fabrication of Dr. Zieman's report is his diagnosis of paranoid delusional disorder supported by behavioral observation that my capabilities for abstract conceptualization appeared to be adequate, polar contradictions, if I am correct in comprehension.  Delusion is based on deception, while abstract conceptualization is based on facts and evidence?  An impossibility.
Quite an impressive record, wouldn't
you say?
 His behavioral observation is correct, I form my opinion based on my experience, I do not speak of things I did not witness for myself, the words of other people can not be assumed to be as truthful.  At least Dr. Zieman wouldn't go so far as to claim that I meet the criteria to be involuntarily hospitalized, since I have never demonstrated any such behavior, even while detained and every attempt was made to provoke erratic behavior.  I maintained my integrity and described their behavior to them.  Dr. Zieman seems to have been fascinated with my letter to Miss Edwards and included nearly the entirety of it in his report.  Including my declaration that the competence in question should be that of Miss Edwards, particularly considering that all of the deception and falsification involved in this case are generated by her organization.  
This strategy of having me deemed incompetent is commonly practiced by this organization.  I witnessed the same technique applied in the case of Sherry Lynne Cooke-Lowery by her "defense" Cynthia Nash.  Maliciously, inhumanely complete disregard for anything resembling decency, tremendous effort set forth to destroy anything decent.
In a case where the evaluation is performed at the request of defense patient/therapist privilege does remain with the patient.  Which renders information confidential.  In complete disregard of this privilege, and any rights I should have regarding confidential medical information, specifically information that is false, prejudiced, and lacking objectivity or discretion, Dr. Zieman's report was presented to the court and prosecution before it was provided to me.  An unbelievably unprofessional act for the purpose of manipulating the perception of the court and facilitating a request by the prosecution to arrange their own evaluation, with order from the judge which eliminates the right of the patient to hold privilege.  The doctor of their selection, Dr. Lawrence Gilgun, monster, was willing to go so far as to claim that I meet some criteria for involuntary hospitalization, boldly estimating 6 to 9 months would be needed for the treatment I so desperately need.  Or the treatment he so desperately wishes for me... perhaps including involuntarily medicated until I agree with their delusion?  Again, I have made no false statements.  Dr. Gilgun couldn't even correctly report the documentation that was provided for his assessment, stating an arrest report from May 12, 2015.  I was not arrested that day, so there is no such report.  There is a traffic citation A477COE, paid receipt #MX2015047724.  There is also a probable cause statement that does actually describe probable cause to believe that the 5 officers present for this routine traffic citation violated my rights and launched a vicious attack on me that has continued for 18 months and resulted in complete devastation of every aspect of my life.  No cause and no justification.


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